Klukkan 9:00 – 10:30 í Setur
Session manager: Elvar Traustason, Matís
Session co-ordinator: Birkir Baldvinsson, Samherji fiskeldi

Aðeins lítil hluti eldislax fer í fullvinnslu á Íslandi og öðrum Norðurlöndum. Mest allur fiskur er fluttur slægður á markaði þar sem hann er unninn áfram. Ísland stendur höllum fæti í samkeppni við margar samkeppnisþjóðir þegar kemur kostnaði við áframvinnslu, ber þá helst að líta til hárra launa hér en einnig til verndartolla sem lagðir eru á áframunnar eldisvörur frá Íslandi í Evrópu. Því er spurt: Eru væntingar um frekari fullvinnslu hér á landi raunhæfar? Er hægt að ná samkeppnisforskoti með því að nýta nýjustu tækni í áframvinnslu á eldislaxi? Only a small proportion of farmed salmon goes to value adding processed in Iceland and the other Nordic countries. The fish is transported gutted to a market where it is further processed. Iceland is at a disadvantage due to high salary cost and protective tariffs imposed on Icelandic secondary processing. We therefore ask the questions: Are expectations of further processing in Iceland realistic? Is it possible to gain a competitive advantage using the latest technology in salmon processing? |
Erindi þessarar málstofu:
- Side Product from secondary processingKlukkan 09:30 í Hvammi Dennis Lohmann, Head of Technology Management, BAADER For more than 100 years, BAADER has been developing processing solutions for the seafood industry, thereby ensuring optimized processing of valuable raw protein resource. However, the potential and efficiency of automated solutions are not infinite despite the advancement of automated, integrated, and digitalized processing… Read more: Side Product from secondary processing
- SubChilling of SalmonKlukkan 10:00 í Hvammi Sæmundur Elíasson, verkefnastjóri, Matís Aqua-Farming companies in the Nordic countries have increasingly adopted supershilling of fish after slaughtering. Salmon/trout is then cooled quickly after slaughter and gutting below 0 °C, which both increases shelf life and has a significant positive effect on product quality. Superchilling is one of the prerequisites for… Read more: SubChilling of Salmon
- Secondary processing of salmonKlukkan 09:45 í Hvammi Matti Isohätälä, Hätälä Marketing and product development of fish for market attractiveness and profitability. Trends and consumer behavior and value-adding of fish products. Segmentation and finding ways to have more footholds with differentiation combining salmon and other fish side-products for better productivity.
- Pre-rigor processingKlukkan 09:15 í Hvammi Skjöldur Pálmason, Oddi fiskvinnsla
- How waterjets increase automation and value generation in the salmon industryKlukkan 09:00 í Hvammi Halldór Thorkelsson, Marel This introduction will cover the wide range of waterjets Marel offers for both Pre-rigor and Post-rigor salmon filleting, trimming, and portioning. Including the value proposition of each application and how it can increase value generation and efficiency