Exports and markets (English)

Klukkan 13:00 – 14:30 í Gullteig

Session manager: Kjersti Haugen, Arnarlax

Jóhannes Gíslason, Arnarlax

Samhliða miklum vexti í Íslensku fiskeldi verður áhersla næstu ára á markaðsmál og flutninga. Íslenskur fiskur er þegar flutter ferskur með skipum til Evrópu og Ameríku, og hugmyndir eru um flutning á ferskum laxi með skipi og bíl/lestum til vesturstrandar BNA.

Í dag er flogið til tæplega 80 áfangastaða í Evrópu og Ameríku frá Keflavík. Ferskur fiskur er oftar en ekki í lesum þessara flugvéla, sem gefur mikil tækifæri á sölu á hágæða fiski frá Íslandi.

Along with strong growth in Icelandic aquaculture, the emphasis in the coming years will be on marketing and transport. Icelandic fish is already being transported fresh by ship to Europe and America, and there are ideas for transporting fresh salmon by ship and car / train to the west coast of the USA.

Today we fly to almost 80 destinations in Europe and America from Keflavik. Most of these plains have fresh fish in the cargo hold, which provides a great opportunity for the sale of high-quality fish from Iceland.

Erindi þessarar málstofu:

  • Iceborn – Icelandic Origin and branding
    Klukkan 14:00 í Gullteig Frank Yri, Seaborn, CCO and founder of Seaborn How Iceborn have worked to launches salmon from Iceland and selling / branding it to more than 40 countries.  Some success factors based on our experience and the way forward.    
  • Markets for fresh salmon in France
    Klukkan 13:45 í Gullteig Sigurður Pétursson, Novo Food Overview of the fresh market for salmon in Europe with focus in the French market and inside information about Novo Food operation. Novo Food is the only Icelandic company with value added production of consumer products distributed to all main domestic supermarkets as well as working in… Read more: Markets for fresh salmon in France
  • Transportation of fresh seafood by air from Iceland
    Klukkan 13:30 í Gullteig Mikael Tal Grétarsson, forstöðumaður útflutnings, Icelandair Cargo Status and prospects of fresh seafood exports from Iceland
  • Building an Icelandic Salmon Brand
    Klukkan 13:15 í Gullteig Kjersti Haugen, Chief Sales Officer, Arnarlax Can the Icelandic salmon industry build a global brand for its product? Is it possible to reach a premium for Icelandic salmon build on quality or image? What has to be done to make this possible?
  • Fresh Salmon to US
    Klukkan 13:00 í Gullteig Sigurður Orri Jónsson, Forstöðumaður Eimskip Development and opportunities in transport of fresh salmon to North America