- Advantages of High-Performance GRP
Wednesday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 09:45 Helge Rasmussen CMO at HighComp 1. Introduction 2. Material Properties of GRP 2.1 Manufacturing Method 2.2 Material Properties 3. Load Cases in Iceland 6.1 Advantages of High-Performance GRP 7. Conclusion
- Closure Remarks
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A+B at 14:20 Halldór Halldórsson, CEO Íslenska Kalkþörungafélgaið
- Surveillance will improve the reputation of salmon farming
Thuesday the 8th of October inSilfurberg A at 14:00 Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Forstjóri / Director General Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority
- Laser focus on fish welfare
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:30 John A. Breivik, CEO Stingray John A. Breivik is the CEO and co-founder of Stingray Marine Solutions. Breivik has been involved in building the Stingray-system for the last 15 years and growing Team Stingray from three to almost 200 colleagues. Stingray have developed and patented laser delousing and a fish welfare platform called The Fish Health Hub.
- Sterile farmed salmon as solution for risk of genetic introgression with wild stocks
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:15 Dr Jonas Jonasson, Head of Production Benchmark Genetics Mature fish in general in fish farming causes poorer quality at harvest and downgrades the product getting a lower price on the market. Farming of fertile salmon can cause a threat to wild populations if salmon escape before or during maturity and mate with wild populations. Using sterile salmon that will not mature in farming can prevent this as well as inhibiting maturity in farming increasing quality of the salmon product. In this talk, data will be presented for farming sterile…
Read more: Sterile farmed salmon as solution for risk of genetic introgression with wild stocks
- Samfélagsleg ábyrgð fiskeldis, væntingar og kröfur – sýn sveitarfélags/ Social responsibility of fish farming, expectation and requirements – a municipality´view
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:30 Arna Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Bæjarstjóri/Mayor Isafjardarbaer
- French market for salmon and trout
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:30 Guðmundur Stefánsson, General Manager Novo Food S.a.r.l. Overview and development of the French market for salmon and trout with emphasis on the retail market and in home consumption. Development of the market over the past few years and future out-look
- Social Responsibility and influence of the Aquaculture Industry
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg at 13:45 Ragnfríð Nord Anthoniussen, MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law In this session we will take a closer look at how the aquaculture industry affects the Faroese community both economically and socially. This industry has grown to be of crucial importance to our economy and plays a vital role in providing jobs and supporting local businesses. Together, we will explore the profound impact of aquaculture on our livelihoods and society as a whole
- Connecting the dots with ROV inspections, ensuring compliance and responsible farming
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:15 Jostein Dyrset – Aftersales manager, JM Robotics JM Connect integrates with JM Robotics’ all-in-one ROV systems to improve reporting, control, and collaboration. As a one-stop shop for reliable and user-friendly ROV solutions, JM Robotics provides real-time data transfer and communication capabilities, enhancing operational efficiency, reporting, and teamwork.
- Sea lice: Welfare vs warfare in the Westfjord
Wednesday, 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:45 Sólveig Huld Jónsdóttir, Veteinarian, Blár Akur ehf Salmon lice are the biggest challenge to fish welfare in open sea cages in the Westfjords. High lice infestation caused big losses of fish in 2023. This presentation will focus on the lice situation in the Westfjords, development over the last years and what we are currently doing to keep the lice levels under control. Laxalús er stærsta áskorunin fyrir velferð fiska í opnum sjókvíum á Vestfjörðum. Mikil lúsasmit olli miklu tjóni árið 2023. Í þessari kynningu verður sjónum beint að ástandi í…
Read more: Sea lice: Welfare vs warfare in the Westfjord
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Tuesday, 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 14:15 Nanna Kristine Ringstad, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) A unified system for classifying and recording causes of loss and mortality in salmon farming can significantly improve the industry’s ability to manage and reduce fish mortality and losses. The classification system enables targeted improvements, leading to better fish health, and hence increased production and profitability. By obtaining more accurate and detailed data of mortality causes, the system can be a valuable tool for the sustainability and future of the industry.
- Social impacts of aquaculture in rural communities in Northern Norway
Wednesday, 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:00 Gunnar Davíðsson, Head of department resource management Business development Troms county council. The economic activity of the aquaculture industry provides most coastal communities in Northern Norway, as well as other parts of the country, with a number of positive livelihood impacts and perhaps some negative. Some of these are provision of rural livelihoods, better income and new or alternative employment. Many of these impacts are well known and documented on an national and regional bases. But what are the local impacts, and can they be documented? Can we measure positive…
Read more: Social impacts of aquaculture in rural communities in Northern Norway
- Not business as usual
Tuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:15 Maryke Musson, Matorka Powerful earthquakes and subsequent frequent volcanic eruptions have significantly impacted Matorka and other businesses in the Grindavik area since the 10th of November 2023. This presentation will recount the events that unfolded and share how the Matorka team managed to save the fish at this land-based Arctic char farm and continue to work towards full recovery.
- Fast-Paced World of Salmon Processing
Tuesday, 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:30 Kristján R. Kristjánsson, COO Harvesting, Arctic Fish In the presentation, I’ll share insights from the first year of operating our new salmon processing plant, focusing on the fast-paced nature of decision-making in this agile environment. I’ll cover key technical, workforce, and organizational challenges, highlighting how we addressed issues such as equipment efficiency, labor management, and maintaining quality under pressure. Ultimately, I’ll share the lessons learned and victories that have shaped our success.
- Oxygen Solution for emergency and emptying of fish tanks
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfuberg B at 16:00 Kent Sander Orheim, Technical Expert Aquaculture, SOLVOX SOLVOX® dropin is a microbubble oxygenation system for sea water and brackish water. It features a unique design for easy and flexible use in open and closed aquaculture systems
- Norwegian sea lice management
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 10:00 Stian Mørch Aaen, Veterinarian, Phd (Scientific manager regulatory in Veso) Sea lice have caused problems for Norwegian aquaculture practicians ever since farming was established some 50 years ago. How has the sea lice combat developed in this period, and where are we now? What kind of regulatory management is in place in Norway and will there ever be a solution to the sea lice problem?
- Controlling Fish Diseases
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 11:45 Diane White, Vice President, Aquaservice AS One of the major Challenges in Aquaculture is fish disease. Environmental regulations mean no chemicals are allowed to be used to control disease, this is why Filtration and Ultraviolet disinfection are essential.
- Marketing land-based salmon from Iceland
Thuesday th 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:45 Ómar Grétarsson, CMO First Water There are currently a handful of ambitious Icelandic land-based salmon farming projects, in various phases of development, planning impressive production volumes in the coming years. But the global land-based sector is also on the rise, making this potentially a major growing field in salmon farming for the foreseeable future. It’s therefore essential to consider how to put the Icelandic origin on the world map.
- Háafell
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 11:45 Gauti Geirsson, CEO Háafell Háafell has had aquaculture activities in Ísafjarðardjúp for 23 years, first in cod but later in rainbow trout and the last two years in salmon. In the lecture there will be a brief overview of the experience so far, and what can be learned from it into ongoing activities and the future. Háafell hefur verið með eldi í Ísafjarðardjúpi í 23 ár, fyrst í þorski en síðar í regnbogasilungi og síðustu tvö árin í laxi. Í fyrirlestrinum verður stutt yfirlit yfir reynsluna hingað til og…
Read more: Háafell
- Hábrún og ÍS 47
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 11:30 Halldór Gunnlaugsson, CEO Fish Farming Hábrún og ÍS-47 Kynning á starfsemi Hábrúnar og ÍS 47 sem eru elstu starfandi sjókvíaledisfyrirtæki á Íslandi. Kynning á reynslu félaganna af regnbogasilungseldi, ásamt því hvert félögin stefna með starfsemi sína. Presentation of the activities of Hábrún and ÍS 47, which are the oldest operating sea seafarm company in Iceland. Presentation of the associations’ experience with rainbow trout farming, together with where the associations are heading with their activities.
- Kaldvík
Wedensday th 9th of October in Sifurberg A at 11:15 Roy-Tore Rikardsen CEO Kaldvík
- Arnarlax
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 11:00 Björn Hembre, CEO Arnarlax
- Arctic Fish
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 10:45 Stein Ove Tveiten, CEO Arctic Fish
- Smart data for fish, facts and future
Wedensday the 9th in Silfurberg B at 11:30 Audhild Blomsø, Audhild Blomsø, OptoScale OptoScale will share how real-time data can quietly revolutionize fish farming. Grounded in personal experience and advanced technology, she’ll discuss how smart data improves fish welfare, optimizes operations, and supports sustainable decisions. It’s about practical, everyday improvements that lead to real results. Join to see how modern tools are reshaping the future of aquaculture, step by step.
- Challenges and Opportunities, equipment to meet the future
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 11:15 Arnstein Hosaas, Innovbation Director AKVA Group The equipment needed to farm effectively in the world’s harshest environment. Barges / feeding, plastic pens and Cameras. Energy effective barges, robust pens and modular cameras.
- Light Traps: A solution for effective sea lice reduction
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:15 Karoline Sjødal Olsen, CEO Blue Lice Discover how light trap technology offers an effectivesolution for reducing sea lice and their reproductive abilities. Thispresentation highlights the results and benefits of using light traps to managesea lice infections and curb larvae reproduction around fish farms.
- GeoSalmon
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 09:15 Hreiðar Hreiðarsson, Head of aquaculture, GeoSalmon
- Sustainable and Circular Fish Farming Equipment
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:45 Georg Haney, Environmental Manager, Hampidjan Group A lot of focus has been in recent years on end-of-life solutions for marine aquaculture and fisheries equipment. Developing effective recycling pathways for the main materials used in the industry has allowed for value chains to develop that can support full circularity for some materials. This in turn has the potential to significantly lower the carbon footprint of aquaculture pens and netting.
- Outlooks and Perspectives for Aquaculture Industry in Iceland for the next decade
Tuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A&B at 10:45 Hjalti Már Hauksson, Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance, Arion Bank, Iceland
- Environmental surveillance and image of sea farming
Tuesday the 8th of October in Silfuberg A at 13:30 Bjørn Hembre, CEO Arnarlax Salmon farming is dependent on operating in a sustainable way to have optimal conditions for the fish, and to make sure the operations can continue into the future, in the renewable resource the water in the Icelandic fjords is. This lecture gives an introduction how environmental surveillance is done to document this, first of all to secure a sustainable development, and also to show our surroundings how salmon farming is operated in a transparent way.
- The future of aquaculture in Iceland
Tuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A&B at 11:20 Guðrún Ólsen, Boston Consulting Group Ltd. Presentation on the future of aquaculture in Iceland, highlighting unique opportunities and risks in sea-based, land-based, and offshore farming. A brief comparative study with leading fish farming nations like Norway and Chile, accompanied by an analysis of various strategic approaches and their potential outcomes in Iceland based on current and evolving industry dynamics.
- Social License to operate for salmon farming
Ragnheiður I. Þórarinsdóttir, Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI) Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:00 Salmon aquaculture production has grown considerably in recent years, and parallel to this growth public interest in production and product has also increased. In most salmon producing countries there have been reports of both public dismay and support for the industry. The public perceptions were investigated and compared across three countries, Tasmania (AU), Iceland and Norway, as to what degree the industry has a social license to operate.
- Post-smolt output to sea
Sindri Freyr Jónsson, Stövarstjóri Kaldvík Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg at 10:00
- Execution of a landbased farming project Laxey Vestmanna Island
Lárus Ásgeirsson, COB, Laxey Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 09:30
- First Water – Building a land-based salmon farm
Eggert Þór Kristófersson, CEO First Water Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 10:45
- Benchmark Genetics approach towards improved sea lice resistance – Þróun á kynbótum til aukins lúsaviðnáms hjá Benchmark Genetics
Ólafur Kristjánsson, Benchmark Genetics Iceland Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:00 Benchmark Genetics has recorded genetic variation in sea lice resistance through two generations of an Atlantic salmon breeding program. The results have been applied to improve genetic resistance to sea lice through genomic selection. The main findings will be presented along with ongoing research to locate the functional genes for improved sea lice resistance and methods for applying them. In addition, an ongoing project to document the impact of the genetic selection for sea lice in the field will be introduced. Benchmark Genetics hefur…
Read more: Benchmark Genetics approach towards improved sea lice resistance – Þróun á kynbótum til aukins lúsaviðnáms hjá Benchmark Genetics
- Expanding markets and future growth for Icelandic salmon
Hrannar Darri Gunnarsson, Sales Manager Arnarlax Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:15 Salmon from sea is now Iceland’s second most valuable seafood export products and the road to there has been steady but challenging. How does the future look like? What markets are most exciting? Does the Icelandic salmon stand out? What does the market want?
- „Building the best of the past for a sustainable future“
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 14:45 Torstein Kristensen – Head of Biology in ScaleAQ and Associate professor II, Nord University Continuous optimization and further development of our existing aquaculture production systems represents a fast and economically feasible path towards sustainability. We present our thoughts and developments on several aspects of increased sustainability in salmon aquaculture through the lens of history and future demands.
- “Bacteria: Importance, applications and benefits for a sustainable aquaculture development”
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 13:15 Anne Bakke, Technical Manager, Previwo A good interaction between bacteria and fish is essential for development of the immune system and protection against disease. The probiotic product Stembiont Vital have shown several health-enhancing effects such as reduction of ulcers and improved gill health. Case studies will be used to present the economical upside of Stembiont Vital.
- Focusing on fish welfare to improve farming efficiency
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:30 Leslie Roden, Biopharma Lead, MSD Animal Health MSD Animal Health is investing in solutions to improve every stage of the product cycle. The focus of our efforts is achieving optimal fish welfare, in our lecture we will share some data and insights demonstrating how farmers have improved their business by focusing on welfare by using sedation in combination with technology to optimize performance.
- Stories from Hólar University
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:00 Eva Kuttner, Lektor/ Assistant professor Hólar in Hjáltadalur is home to the Icelandic Arctic charr breeding program and is run by the University of Hólar and its department of Aquaculture and fish biology. Here we tell the story from the handwritten notes to the breeding value calculations today and discuss challenges in Arctic charr breeding. Hólar University has been teaching aquaculture since 40 years and an overview of aquaculture education in Iceland will be given. Á Hólum í Hjaltadal er íslensk bleikjueldi starfrækt og er rekið af Háskólanum á…
Read more: Stories from Hólar University
- Making a case for farming of Arctic Char in Iceland
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:15 Christo du Plessis, CEO Matorka Land-based aquaculture in Iceland has a long history and has seen a number of large projects announced over the last years. Arctic Char is a native salmonid with a limited worldwide production. The presentation will highlight the business case and prerequisites for the farming of this fish species utilizing the unique renewable resources in Iceland.
- AI for sustainable feed management in land-based farming
Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 10:45 Dr. Hans Emil Atlason Co-founder and lead engineer, Ration RationFeed leverages artificial intelligence to optimize feed management in smolt farms and land-based on-growing facilities. In salmon farming, feed utilization is a significant challenge, with feeding costs comprising over half of total expenses. RationFeed addresses this by using computer vision to automatically quantify wasted feed that escapes through the effluent of farming tanks. The system alerts operators immediately to under- or overfeeding, controls feeding automatically, and provides expert feeding suggestions by combining various environmental measurements.
- Having the courage to aim high
Sigurgeir Bárðarson, Fisheries Iceland Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A&B at 10:30 There are great opportunities in Iceland for increased value creation through growth in aquaculture, both at sea and on land. In recent years, production and value creation in Icelandic aquaculture has multiplied, especially from salmon farming. Production there has gone from almost 1,100 tons in 2011 to almost 44,000 tons in 2023. The increased importance of the export of aquaculture products has increased the stability of the Icelandic economy, and the economy now rests on more diverse exports than before. We therefore need to keep…
Read more: Having the courage to aim high
- Using AI to address welfare challenges in Icelandic fish farming
Thuesday 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 13:45 Kristin Aase, Aquabyte Machine learning (AI) and computer vision allows for daily monitoring of lice numbers, welfare indicators, fish growth and maturation. The insights gained from precision data enables farmers to address welfare challenges through early interventions, optimization, and well-timed actions
- Precision feeding
Wednesday 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 11:00 Kåre Gruvenri, Sales Manager, Spillfree Analytics AS Background from companies like Akva Group Software, EWOS/Cargill and Norway Royal Salmon. Working with feed and feeding optimization for almost 20 years.
- Ministers address
Thuesday 8th of October in Silfurberg A+B at 10:10 Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir, Matvælaráðherra
- “Bacteria: Importance, applications and benefits for a sustainable aquaculture development”
Thusday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 13:00 Anne Bakke Fyllling A good interaction between bacteria and fish is essential for development of the immune system and protection against disease. The probiotic product Stembiont Vital have shown several health-enhancing effects such as reduction of ulcers and improved gill health. Case studies will be used to present the economical upside of Stembiont Vital. Biological prevention is profitable!
- Leveraging Oceans of Data to Navigate Salmon Trends
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:00 Anna Björk Theodórsdóttir, Oceans of Data “Oceans of Data” leverages advanced analytics to navigate the dynamic trends in the U.S. salmon market. This session will provide insights into global supply, price trends, and specific U.S. market conditions. Learn about consumer preferences, market innovations, and future forecasts, empowering stakeholders with data-driven strategies for success in the evolving salmon industry. „Oceans of Data“ notar háþróaða greiningu til að greina þróun á bandarískum laxamarkaði. Þessi fyrirlestur mun veita innsýn í alþjóðlegt framboð, verðþróun og sérstakar markaðsaðstæður í Bandaríkjunum. upplýsa um óskir neytenda,…
Read more: Leveraging Oceans of Data to Navigate Salmon Trends
- Háskólinn að Hólum
Thusday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:00 Eva Kuttner Á Hólum í Hjaltadal er íslensk bleikjueldi starfrækt og er rekið af Háskólanum á Hólum og fiskeldis- og fiskalíffræðideild hans. Hér segjum við söguna frá handskrifuðum athugasemdum til kynbótaverðmætaútreikninga í dag og ræðum áskoranir í bleikjueldi. Háskólinn á Hólum hefur kennt fiskeldi í 40 ár og verður gefið yfirlit yfir fiskeldismenntun á Íslandi. Hólar in Hjáltadalur is home to the Icelandic Arctic charr breeding program and is run by the University of Hólar and its department of Aquaculture and fish biology. Here we tell the story from…
Read more: Háskólinn að Hólum
- Parvicapsulosis – Hvernig má hindra eða lifa með parvicapsulosis in laxeldi
Thuesday 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 13:00 Árni Kristmunsson, Keldur Parvicapsulosis, sem orsakast af sníkjudýrinu Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola, veldur umtalsverðum afföllum í eldi laxa í sjókvíum. Sníkjudýrið þarfnast tveggja hýsla, laxfiska og liðorma. Nýlega var lokahýsill sníkjudýrsins uppgötvaður, en hafði verið óþekktur lengi. Uppgötvunin opnar nýja möguleika til draga úr áhrifum sjúkdómsins. ParviLife, sem fjármagnað er af norska FHF-rannsóknasjóðnum, hefur það að markmiði að skapa fiskeldisgeiranum aðferðir til að hindra eða draga úr þessum alvarlega sjúkdómi. Í erindinu verður verkefnið kynnt, en það hófst sumarið 2024. Parvicapsulosis, caused by the myxozoan parasite Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola is a disease causing…
Read more: Parvicapsulosis – Hvernig má hindra eða lifa með parvicapsulosis in laxeldi
- Setning ráðstefnu
Thuesday 8th of October in Silfurberg A+B at 10:00
- Building a land based salmon farm
Thursday the 9th of October in Gallerí at 09:00 Eggert Þór Kristófersson, CEO, First Water
- Ice Fish Farm – Búlandstindur – ISA – a Painful Leap to Vital Improvements
Thursday the 12th of October in Gallerí at 16:20 Vidar Aspehaug, Fish Health Manager Ice Fish Farm got ISA in 2021 and has gone through a period with extensive investments to rid the virus and to reduce the risk of being infected again. Improvements have been implemented, and further improvements are still ongoing. Where did the virus come from, and what are the most important learnings, improvements, and challenges?
- Artic Fish
Thursday the 12th of October in Gallerí at 15:00
- Eimur – Sludge dewatering in Iceland – what to do and what not to do?
Thursday the 12th of October in Háteigur, at 16:40 Karen Mist Kristjánsdóttir Aquaculture sludge (uneaten feed and faeces) is a growing side stream in Iceland. It can be challenging to handle, and research is needed to further examine its potential. The first step towards utilization is the collection which now often entails a dewatering process including polymer addition. These polymers can pose a potential challenge and limitation when it comes to utilization potentials, so the question becomes, what to do?
- Icelava Export
Friday the 13th of October on Hateigur at 11:00 Samson Dirrar, Benchmark Oxygen Solutions
- Bigman AB – Filter fabrics for aquaculture applicationsBigman AB –
Friday the 13th of October in Gullteigur at 13:10 Magnus Hoffaman, CEO of Bigman AB Short summary of our offerings and examples of filter fabrics from Bigman and Sefar that are used in aquaculture. As a central filter medium precision woven filter fabrics from Sefar are found at several steps in Aquaculture. From 10 – 100 micron fabrics to filter water to salmon lice applications and coarser filter belt solutions for waste treatment.
- Oh! – what a gut feeling!
Thursday the 12th of October in Gullteigur at 15:45 Ólafur I. Sigurgeirsson, Háskólinn á Hólum The demand for aquaculture feed is continually increasing. Therefore, it is an urgent need to find sustainable and cost-effective raw materials for fish and crustacean diets. Substitution of raw materials of marine origin with other sources, from plants, single cell proteins or insects may not be without compromises and obstacles. This will be discussed form the Atlantic salmon point of view. The transfer from fresh water to seawater require several alterations in many physiological functions and is challenging for the animal. This transition also…
Read more: Oh! – what a gut feeling!
- Lavango
Friday the 13th of October in Háteigur at 13:00 Agnar Aadland, Moss Hydro The development of our new filter element, which has led to our unique fully automatic compact filter solution.