Thursday the 12th of October in Gullteigur at 15:45
Ólafur I. Sigurgeirsson, Háskólinn á Hólum
The demand for aquaculture feed is continually increasing. Therefore, it is an urgent need to find sustainable and cost-effective raw materials for fish and crustacean diets. Substitution of raw materials of marine origin with other sources, from plants, single cell proteins or insects may not be without compromises and obstacles. This will be discussed form the Atlantic salmon point of view. The transfer from fresh water to seawater require several alterations in many physiological functions and is challenging for the animal. This transition also involves challenges of various abiotic factors like water temperature, salinity, feed/feed composition and feeding. All these factors may influence the gut health and microbiota of the fish, the immune system and the health status of the salmon in general. How well is the salmon doing in culture conditions? This will be discussed in brief.