Hábrún og ÍS 47

Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 11:30

Halldór Gunnlaugsson, CEO Fish Farming Hábrún og ÍS-47

Kynning á starfsemi Hábrúnar og ÍS 47 sem eru elstu starfandi sjókvíaledisfyrirtæki á Íslandi.  Kynning á reynslu félaganna af regnbogasilungseldi, ásamt  því hvert félögin stefna með  starfsemi sína.

Presentation of the activities of Hábrún and ÍS 47, which are the oldest operating sea seafarm company in Iceland.  Presentation of the associations’ experience with rainbow trout farming, together with where the associations are heading with their activities.