Sterile farmed salmon as solution for risk of genetic introgression with wild stocks
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:15 Dr Jonas Jonasson, Head of Production Benchmark Genetics Mature fish in general in fish farming
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:15 Dr Jonas Jonasson, Head of Production Benchmark Genetics Mature fish in general in fish farming
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:30 Arna Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Bæjarstjóri/Mayor Isafjardarbaer
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:30 Guðmundur Stefánsson, General Manager Novo Food S.a.r.l. Overview and development of the French market for
Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg at 13:45 Ragnfríð Nord Anthoniussen, MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law In this session we will take a
Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:15 Jostein Dyrset – Aftersales manager, JM Robotics JM Connect integrates with JM Robotics’ all-in-one ROV
Wednesday, 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:45 Sólveig Huld Jónsdóttir, Veteinarian, Blár Akur ehf Salmon lice are the biggest challenge to fish welfare