Aqua-Ice (Aquaculture Conference Iceland) is a two-day, annual conference and exhibition for the aquaculture industry. Strandbunadur, the organizer of the Aqua-Ice conference is a Non-Profit Organization founded by 16 companies and organizations and meant to be a platform for stakeholders to meet and discuss important industry-related issues of common interest.
The conference is funded by sponsors, advertisements, and admission fees. The first Aqua-Ice conference was held 2017 with 260 in attendance, the conference has seen steady growth with 300 attendances in 2018 and 360 in 2019. In 2020 the conference was postponed because of the Covid 19 epidemic. The conference returned in 2021 and continued its growth with over 400 attendances. In 2022 a record was set with 500 attendants at Grand Hotel.
The conference is composed of individual sessions, covering specific areas of the aquaculture industry.
The conference is predominantly in Icelandic but increasing the prevalence of English lectures is a major goal for Aqua-Ice 2023.
The conference
This conference is the only aquaculture conference held in Iceland. The conference language is Icelandic, but English lectures are also on the agenda.
Fish, shellfish, and algae producers, as well as processing, marketing and sales, services, research, and development professionals. The conference also gathers interest form the public and academic sectors with a considerable share of the attendance coming from academia and media.
The conference is composed of individual sessions, covering specific areas of the aquaculture industry. The program will be published in May 2024 on the conference web site:
Hapra Reykjavík is the largest conference hall in Iceland at the harbour of Reykjavik.
Strandbúnaður ehf.
Árnagata 2-4
400 Ísafjörður
Phone: + 354 8585110