Why are we fish farmers?

Wednesday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A+B at 13:15 Jens Garðar Helgason, Deputy CEO Kaldvík We intend to talk more about what we do and how we do it. But the most important part of our industry is the question; why we are fish farmers?
How ReelData indendifies and reduce stress in landbased aquaculture

Thueseday the 8th in Silfurberg B at 14:00 Mathew Zimola, CEO ReelData This presentation explains how AI monitoring technologies can be used to indicate stress levels in land-based farms. We’ll discuss how stress influences appetite, and how using ReelData’s AI technology, we can examine and interpret data and trends from fish production to identify and […]
Challenges and opportunities for Icelandic Aquaculture from a feed perspective

Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A&B at 11:05 Håvard Walde, General Manager of Skretting Norway and member of Nutreco’s Senior Leadership Team What are the main pain points to solve from a feed point of view to enable sustainable growth of Icelandic Aquaculture? What are the key dilemmas and choices to be made […]
Lagarlíf 2023 – Dagskrá
Fimmtudagur 12. október 09:00 Skráning Gullteigur 10:00 – 12:00 Future prospective of aquacultureSession manager: Vignir Bjartsson, AKVA GroupSession co-ordinator: Hildur Hauksdóttir, SFS 10:00 Setning ráðstefnunnar, Jens Þórðarson stjórnarformaður Lagarlífs (íslenska) 10:15 Ávarp: Svandís Svavarsdóttir, Matvælaráðherra (Íslenska) 10:30 Growing global demand for seafood – seafood farming the way forward, Andre Akse, General Manager of NASF (enska) […]
GeoSalmo – The project, the production

Thursday the 12th of October in Gallerí at 15:40 Hreiðar Hreiðarsson, Head of Aquaculture
The importance of aquaculture in the Faroe Islands

Thursday in Gullteig on12th of October at 11:30 Dr. Hanna í Horni, Head of Representation Aquaculture is a vital part of the Faroese economy, representing half of the country’s export value and providing valuable jobs for communities around the islands. The combination of ideal natural conditions and a commitment to sustainability and quality is now […]
Myndir Nordic Salmon

Value adding in Salmon production, fresh and frozen

Klukkan 09:15 in Hvammur Sigurjón Arason, Chief Engineer/ Professor emeritus, Matís One of the main obstacles for value adding production of salmon in the Nordic, is the distance from production to the retail/catering market. Logistic for fresh retail products will be a challenge. But would it be possible to market frozen products, specially to the […]
Dagskrádrög Strandbúnaðar 2019

Dagskrádrög Strandbúnaðar 2018

Dagskrádrög Strandbúnaðar 2018 Strandbúnaður, ráðstefna fyrir fiskeldi, skeldýra- og þörungarækt. Önnur ráðstefna vettvangsins verður haldin á Grand Hótel Reykjavík dagana 19. – 12. mars 2018. Samtals verða flutt um 60 erindi á Strandbúnaði 2018. Hægt er að sækja dagskrádrög HÉR. Skráning Skráning hefst um miðjan febrúar. Styrktaraðilar Ráðstefnan verður fjármögnuð með þátttökugjaldi, styrkjum og ekki […]