Advantages of High-Performance GRP

Wednesday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 09:45 Helge Rasmussen CMO at HighComp 1. Introduction 2. Material Properties of GRP 2.1 Manufacturing Method 2.2 Material Properties 3. Load Cases in Iceland 6.1 Advantages of High-Performance GRP 7. Conclusion
Closure Remarks

Wedensday the 9th of October in Silfurberg A+B at 14:20 Halldór Halldórsson, CEO Íslenska Kalkþörungafélgaið
Surveillance will improve the reputation of salmon farming

Thuesday the 8th of October inSilfurberg A at 14:00 Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Forstjóri / Director General Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority
Laser focus on fish welfare

Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:30 John A. Breivik, CEO Stingray John A. Breivik is the CEO and co-founder of Stingray Marine Solutions. Breivik has been involved in building the Stingray-system for the last 15 years and growing Team Stingray from three to almost 200 colleagues. Stingray have developed and patented laser delousing […]
Sterile farmed salmon as solution for risk of genetic introgression with wild stocks

Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:15 Dr Jonas Jonasson, Head of Production Benchmark Genetics Mature fish in general in fish farming causes poorer quality at harvest and downgrades the product getting a lower price on the market. Farming of fertile salmon can cause a threat to wild populations if salmon escape […]
Samfélagsleg ábyrgð fiskeldis, væntingar og kröfur – sýn sveitarfélags/ Social responsibility of fish farming, expectation and requirements – a municipality´view

Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg A at 13:30 Arna Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Bæjarstjóri/Mayor Isafjardarbaer
French market for salmon and trout

Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg A at 15:30 Guðmundur Stefánsson, General Manager Novo Food S.a.r.l. Overview and development of the French market for salmon and trout with emphasis on the retail market and in home consumption. Development of the market over the past few years and future out-look
Social Responsibility and influence of the Aquaculture Industry

Wedensday 9th of October in Silfurberg at 13:45 Ragnfríð Nord Anthoniussen, MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law In this session we will take a closer look at how the aquaculture industry affects the Faroese community both economically and socially. This industry has grown to be of crucial importance to our economy and plays a […]
Connecting the dots with ROV inspections, ensuring compliance and responsible farming

Thuesday the 8th of October in Silfurberg B at 15:15 Jostein Dyrset – Aftersales manager, JM Robotics JM Connect integrates with JM Robotics’ all-in-one ROV systems to improve reporting, control, and collaboration. As a one-stop shop for reliable and user-friendly ROV solutions, JM Robotics provides real-time data transfer and communication capabilities, enhancing operational efficiency, reporting, […]
Sea lice: Welfare vs warfare in the Westfjord

Wednesday, 9th of October in Silfurberg B at 09:45 Sólveig Huld Jónsdóttir, Veteinarian, Blár Akur ehf Salmon lice are the biggest challenge to fish welfare in open sea cages in the Westfjords. High lice infestation caused big losses of fish in 2023. This presentation will focus on the lice situation in the Westfjords, development over […]